AK2.0 is a comprehensive system to upgrade your AK. You add a sight rail for your optics, an m-lok handguard for tactical accessories, and a stock adapter for an adjustable modern stock. AK2.0 will increase your rifle’s effectiveness, adaptability, and user experience to the 21st century. The system is robust and reliable, and seasoned professionals use and test it in combat or combat-like conditions. You can add a part of the system or a complete system. AK2.0 is available for basically all AK-based rifles.
With the AK2.0, you can maintain the same reliable AK platform, caliber, manual of arms, and magazines that you’re familiar with. The upgrade seamlessly integrates with your existing AK, providing you with an up-to-date rifle that has a service life spanning decades.
Please see the examples of AK2.0 rifles below and check the details from our latest catalogue, which is available in the “Product Support” section.
AK2.0 RK62
Finnish assault rifle with AK2.0 sight rail, handguard and stock adapter.
AK2.0 Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR)
Based on Valmet .308 rifle with AK2.0 sight rail, handguard and stock adapter.
AK2.0 Hunter
Valmet Petra / Hunter .30-06 with AK2.0 sight rail.
AK2.0 AK-47
With AK2.0 sight rail, handguard and stock adapter.
AK2.0 Galil AR
With AK2.0 sight rail, handguard and stock adapter.
AK2.0 RK95
Finnish assault rifle with AK2.0 sight rail, handguard and stock adapter.
PKM2.0 upgrades your PKM machine gun. With the PKM2.0 handguard, you can attach lasers, grips, tactical lights, and other mission-essential accessories to your machine gun for better usability and combat effectiveness. With the PKM2.0 sight rail, you can add optics for accelerated target acquisition, accuracy, and identifying opponents from a longer distance.
PKM2.0 has the toughness and reliability renowned from AK2.0 upgrades. T
The manufacturing process, materials, and surface treatments are compatible with ISO9001 quality standards and NATO AQAP standards.
RK2.0 is a new assault rifle manufactured by Valman Oy based on the RK95. The 7.62×39-caliber RK2.0 has the reliable RK operating system, an aluminum receiver/handguard, a free-floating barrel, an adjustable folding stock, and plenty of m-lok mounting surface.
The 7.62×39 version of the RK2.0 uses parts from the RK95, and the 5.56NATO and 7.62NATO versions use NATO-compatible STANAG magazines.
RK2.0 in 7.62×39
KP2.0 / SMG2.0 is a new innovative submachine gun designed by Valman Ltd. Prototypes are in field testing, and the KP2.0 will be launched after the product development phase has been finalized.
Details of the KP2.0 product line will be published later.
AR2.0 is Valman Ltd’s product line of upgrade parts for AR rifles. Details will be published later.
Details of the AR2.0 product line will be published later.